Talent. Human Capital. How Well Do You Know Yours?
How well do you know your human capital inventory?
Could you, as in the case of physical assets, place a value upon your human capital inventory?
Assuming you would want to, how would you go about it?
How easily can you identify and report upon the talent you have and the training status & compliance with organisational and statutory requirements of each of your employees and contractors (sometimes referred to as your contingent workforce)?
Talent. We used to talk in terms of labour, then, employees, then personnel and then human resources; now we consider talent. I am not certain that the terms are necessarily mutually exclusive; perhaps we can be all at the same time? All are, maybe, different facets the relevance of which facet is situationally dependent.
I might labour at a particular task whilst being an employee for statutory purposes and yet part of the personnel of an organisation that deploys my resources on a project all of which are underpinned by my talents the whole sum of which could be considered as the overall human capital of an organisation?
If this talent, this human capital, is to be harnessed to the good of the organisation and to the individual, how is it captured, utilised, valued, protected and developed?
Perhaps in some form of HR system? In many cases in a spreadsheet. In some cases, nowhere at all.
If you are looking for a better way than you currently have, then, how valuable would it be to have an accessible view of your total human capital inventory?
To be able to view all the skills, competencies, experiences that make up the talent, whether direct employees or contractors, you have at your disposal to drive sales and implement valuable solutions for your customers?
To be able to identify those who are due for training or re-certification by period and to be able to allocate them to the appropriate course or development programme taking into account their commitments already scheduled in their calendars?
And then, to be able to measure the results both in terms of improved performance and the enhanced value of your human capital inventory?
If you are curious about this, register your interest by contacting me, John Busby, to discuss at: jb@bkc.net; + 44 7968 066 165
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