How dangerous are USP’s? What If They Become “Un-Unique”?
A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is intended to differentiate a product from its competitors. This could be: the lowest cost, the...
Is the Customer Always Right? Emphatically No! Is the Customer King? Emphatically Yes!
Herein lies the dilemma. Customers are not always right and sellers frequently know more about what is right for their customers than do...
Sales Managers; Who Needs Them?
In my experience, the role of Sales Manager is the least well supported of all functions. And, it starts with the title. It should be...
Comment? A Common Language
What does this mean? Silly question? It depends, I suppose, which language you use. If French, then it would mean “How”? if English, then...
My Salespeople Cannot Close!
“Only top closers need apply”. This was the opening to a job advert I saw some time ago; what could it mean? Something to do with doors,...
Forecasting or Balls...of a Crystal Kind, what else? or, should that be “Wishful Thinking”?
Hands up if you enjoy forecasting? Just guessing, not many hands up? If not, why is that? What is it about forecasting? At whatever level...
A Man For All Seasons: How Transferrable Are The Skills and Experiences of Salespeople?
At the height of the dotcom boom in the late 1990’s (remember that?) one of my dotcom customers (thirty employees with VC backing and a...
We live in a Buyer-Empowered-World. Is that a Good Thing?
Buyers, whether acting alone or in concert, have access to more information more readily than ever before. Daily, we are all subjected to...
Curiosity May Have Killed The Cat-Is Lack of Curiosity Killing Sales?
How curious are you about being curious? And, if you are curious, are you being curious about the right things? Questions that buyers...
What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us? All Roads Lead To Rome.
Seemingly this is a reference to Roman roads in general and, specifically, the Milliarium Aureum, the Golden Milestone, a monument,...